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Beef Tartare with Raw Asparagus and Black Truffles

Beef Tartare with Raw Asparagus and Black Truffles

Chef and Owner Paolo Sparvoli

"Casa Mia" Restaurant, Tolentino, Italy

200 g filet of beef
1 lemon, juiced
salt & pepper
2 drops Tabasco
2 drops Worcester sauce
1 tsp cognac
1 tsp ketchup
1 tbsp mustard
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
5-6 g fresh black summer truffle (seasonal fresh truffles recommended, but if not preserved whole truffles may be substituted)

Thinly slice the filet, carefully removing all fat. Finely pound the filet with a knife. Place in a bowl and add ½ of the lemon juice and ingredients 3-7 and let rest 5 minutes. Meanwhile, wash and dry the asparagus. Finely slice and place in a bowl; add the remaining lemon juice and olive oil.

Place the tartare in a ramekin and gently press with a fork. Carefully transfer the tartare to a plate by slightly tipping the ramekin and gently manipulating the meat with a fork so as not to break the mold. Garnish with asparagus and abundant, freshly grated black summer truffles.

Buon Appetito!

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